Modelling your financial world



Using detailed analysis, we build a picture of how your choices and options might play out over your lifetime.

The best way to show you your world is to draw a picture. We built an online analysis tool, Planolitix, that builds a graph-based picture of your life. During our meeting, we consider your income, expenditure and debt levels to create your graphs. We talk about any plans, such as a how a different job, growing family, or lifestyle changes might alter your financial outcome. We also consider factors such as inheritances, business sales, property portfolios and any anticipated KiwiSaver.

The reason these projections are so valuable is that we don’t just look at your current position, but consider the impact of future choices on your long-term finances. This means that we can consider your options in advance, potentially avoiding costly mistakes. Importantly, this modelling is an ongoing part of our process as we work with you for the long-term. Once we have your information in our system, we simply update the data as your plans change and evolve. It’s all about you.

Even with an accelerated payment program, many people can find it hard to focus on anything other than their mortgage. We purposely look beyond your mortgage and see this as a stepping stone in a wider strategy.
Any approach you have for clearing debt can be channelled into your plan for the future. Assuming you can save at the same rate you clear debt, then we can map out long-term strategies to help achieve your retirement goals.


Using financial modelling we balance your risks against your costs to get the best possible result.

If you want your insurances to be there when you need them, it is worth considering what happens to the cost of your cover over time. Premiums for personal insurances such as Life, Trauma and Income Protection rise rapidly after the age of 40, and the number one complaint for people cancelling their policies is cost. It is therefore important to structure your protection correctly, as with the right approach, you can establish new cover or alter existing cover so it will not increase over time for age-related reasons.

The financial modelling we conduct provides an essential insight, not only into what types of insurance might be appropriate and in what amounts, but also how long you might need it for. Understanding this is central to how you might structure a policy. Balancing the cost remains a factor though, and the software helps to determine what might be a reasonable amount to spend given your wider finances. Bringing all these elements together we can give you the best advice to ensure you get the most value from each insurance dollar.

The curve for rising insurance premiums stays relatively flat throughout your 30’s but starts to rise from age 40 and from 45 becomes multiples of the original cost. We can help you delay this effect or stop it altogether.
By electing to structure cover on level premiums then you initially pay more than you would using a stepped premium approach. However, with level cover you lock-in the cost, which will no longer rise for age-related reasons.


We find the number one question for those considering their retirement is “Can I live the life I want?”

When thinking about retirement it is normal for people to focus on investment returns, as these have a direct impact on what income is generated. Initially, we like to take a step back before developing an ideal portfolio and start with planning and analysis. Well-constructed investments are important, but less effective if not considered in conjunction with the wider context of your life and what you are trying to achieve.

Financial Planning aims to determine how your future might look based on your aspirations, and then develops strategies to ensure they eventuate in the way that you want.

Throughout this process we seek to manage any inherent risks, protect assets and provide the navigation you need to ensure you remain on course.

With investments we prefer open and active mandates, using a blend of local and international active managers who have the ability to come back to cash if they have concerns about their market sector. Every client is different, and regardless of the situation our objective is to deliver an outcome that is going to work for you.

Most people start their planning too late. Time is a valuable asset and life is full of opportunities to make a difference, particularly when combined with good strategy. We aim to guide you through the ups and downs, encouraging you to see through the day-to-day and allocate for the future to come.


We excel in solving special or complex financial issues.

If our existing software cannot provide the required answers, we can build you a specialised tool to deliver the right result. Whether you have a farm estate that needs to be split five ways or a property portfolio that needs sensitivity analysis, finding answers to challenging questions is all part of what makes our work interesting.

Whether we are a sounding board for existing plans, or you are looking for additional ideas and strategies, our ‘client first’ approach means you will always have guidance with no agenda to direct you into a certain result.

We believe in being the honest voice in your corner helping you to do what you do best. Our aim is to be there for the long-term, adjusting and developing your plans as your world changes.


What we find most rewarding is helping our clients maximise their resources to achieve the best possible outcome.

At the core of our philosophy is the belief that tailored advice should be available to everyone. As the public’s knowledge of financial matters increases there is a growing expectation that people should have a base level of understanding. In truth, the subject matter is so large that knowing ‘what you should’ is often unrealistic in the face of other modern pressures. A single piece of financial advice can significantly improve your outlook. The advice we provide is customised to you, practical and backed by decades of industry experience.

Examples might include:

  • Asset and estate planning
  • Property analysis and portfolio construction
  • Business risk management
  • Business succession planning
  • Expert key witness work for barristers


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Royden Shotter Director / Senior Adviser CFP
Mobile 021 279 9898 DDI 09-281 2604

Royden has been a Financial Adviser since 1997. He has a Graduate Diploma in Business Studies (Personal Financial Planning) from Massey University and is a Certified Financial Planner (CFPCM) practitioner.

CFPCM is an internationally recognised mark owned by the Financial Planning Standards Board in the USA and awarded in New Zealand by Financial Advice New Zealand.

Always moving towards the far professional end of the spectrum, when there was no suitable off the shelf alternative Royden instead created the online financial modelling software that Echelon use to help their clients, Planolitix.

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Zoe Klomp Financial Adviser MA.Ed
Mobile 021 194 2711 DDI 09-281 2624

Zoe joined the team in 2017 as a Paraplanner while finishing her studies. Now working as an Adviser, Zoe enjoys working with clients to help them find tailor made solutions that suit their needs.

She has a Master’s in Education from Auckland University, a double degree in Education and German from Canterbury University and is currently working towards her Level 5 Certificate in Financial Services.

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Michaela Hogan Administrator
DDI 09-281 2624

In her role as an administrator, Michaela ensures that our clients needs are met.